All orders are shipped discreetly in plain unmarked packages and processed within 1-10 business days. Upgrading your shipping DOES NOT change the processing times.
Processing = Amount of time it takes to process the order.
Shipping = Amount of time the shipping service takes to deliver the package.
These are not interchangeable terms. Upgrading one does not expedite the other.
Roma Costume items usually take 1-5 business days to process. You can upgrade your processing to 24 hours by purchasing item #RC-EXPEDITE (search by expedite). Remember, you will still need to upgrade your shipping if you need your item within a certain timeframe.
Be Wicked items usually take 1-8 business days to process. You can upgrade your processing to 24 hours by purchasing item #BW-EXPEDITE (search by expedite). Remember, you will still need to upgrade your shipping if you need your item within a certain timeframe.
Elegant Moments items usually take 1-8 business days to process. You can upgrade your processing to 24-48 hours by purchasing item #EM-EXPEDITE (search by expedite). Remember, you will still need to upgrade your shipping.
If expedited shipping is purchased, without expediting processing, we will automatically upgrade your processing and downgrade your shipping.
All other item processing times vary from 1-8 business days.
Q. Do you offer free shipping? Yes, domestic orders over $100 qualify for automatic free shipping. No discount code required.
Q. If I purchase Express delivery, will I get my item tomorrow? No, the type of shipping method you purchase does not expedite the processing time. If you need an item by a certain date, please email before purchasing to insure that we will be able to meet your deadline. Also, the USPS does not guarantee overnight delivery even with Express, so even if your item is shipped out same or next day, it may still take 2 days for delivery.
Q. Do you ship internationally? Yes, we do ship internationally. Please note:
The importation of merchandise into countries other than the U.S. may result in additional customs taxes, brokerage and/or duty fees upon delivery of your order. cannnot anticipate these fees, and will not be able to reimburse you for any additional fees incurred. makes international shipments worldwide everyday and we are familiar with the logistics and procedures of handling international cargo. Before importing merchandise into your country, we recommend that you first speak to a customs broker from your country.MissKittysFashionBoutique .com is willing to work with you on invoicing, and other ways to expedite your shipment in the most cost-effective and advantageous manner to the buyer.
Q. What types of shipping services are available?
- USPS First Class (US Locations)
- USPS Priority (US locations)
- USPS Express Mail (US Locations)
- USPS Priority Mail International
- USPS Global Express Mail (EMS)
Q. How can I track my order? All orders are shipped with tracking numbers. To view detailed information about tracking your order using the appropriate delivery service, please refer to the following links:
For your convenience we have included examples of tracking numbers. If you're not sure whether or not your order has been shipped, check the status of your recent orders in "Order Status" page.
US Postal Service (USPS) Track a package.
Phone: 1-800 275-8777
Sample Tracking: 1122334455667788990011 (22 characters)
Q. What do I do if my shipment never arrived?
Please contact your local post office (USPS) and/or your Customs office with your Tracking Number or simply contact us with your order number.
Please contact Customer Service if you have any questions or need additional information.